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10 Awesome Techniques To Create Your Credible Testimonials


1. Photos, ask potential customers if they would e-mail a photo with their testimonial. This technique will give your testimonials more credibility.

2. Scanned Signatures, many online testimonials have text signatures. You could have people mail their written signature, scan it, and upload it with their testimonial. People will feel the testimonial is more authorized.

3. Audio Recording, recording testimonials with a mobile phone, on your answering machine, or voice mail. Then convert the recording into a digital audio file and upload it to your web site.

4. Postcards, if you have customers mail you their testimonial on a postcard, scan it and upload it to your web site. This will give people proof that the testimonial isn't fraud because it will have a post mark on it.

10 Hypnotic Methods To Visitor Do Click


1. Usage inverse psychology on your banner ads. You could tell visitor do not to click on your banner ads.

2. Create your banner ad words as magnetic as possible. Use words similar limited, powerful, sizzling, hot, etc. Your words had better relate and highlight your total offer.

3. Offer a discount on your banner ads. Visitor are ever searching good deals. You could offer a percentage discount, value discount, buy one get two, etc.

4.Create a testimonial on your banner ads. This'll give people proof they aren't wasting their time clicking on your banner ads. The testimonial should include enough information so they understand the offer.

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