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10 Unbelievable Directions To Keep Your Spike Sales


1. Maximize the strength of your banner ads. Don't just use the same ad on every banner, use a variety to magnetize the greatest number of clickers.

2. Make sure your web site load much faster by reducing on banner ads and start using more buttons. Button ads are also smaller image and take up less space.

3. Offer free classified ads to well known and respected companies on your web site. Sometimes people link their business credibility to yours.

4. People have been learned all their life to respect people in authority. Tell your visitors that you are the president or CEO of your business.

10 Super-Keys To Sell Your Products Like Crazy


1. Convert your advert copy into a nice story or article. Your visitors won't be as hesitant to read your ad and will become more concerned in your product.

2. Offer visitors a freebie for filling out your online survey or they usually won't. Surveys will give your business valuable intelligence for your business

3. Multiply the power of your advert copy benefits by using eye-catching words, highlighting keywords, using color, bolding key phrases, underlining, etc.

4. Offer your visitors tons of options so they don't get the feeling of being controlled. Offer them a variety of services to order, contact you, navigate, etc.

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